Escape from Cloud City (24)Full unit name: Escape from Cloud City
Last updated: 07.07.2024 21:21:47
Navigation (15)
Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Empire Strikes Back
Relations: Cloud City
Cloud City
Planetary Superstructures
, Bespin
Known Facts (13)
After Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
, Leia Organa
Leia Organa Solo
Major Characters
and Chewbacca
Major Characters
have been captured on Cloud City
Cloud City
Planetary Superstructures
, Solo was frozen in carbonite and Vader decided to further change the deal with Lando
Lando Calrissian
Major Characters
, Calrissian arranged for the Bespin Wing Guard
Cloud City Wing Guard
Planetary and Sector
to ambush the Imperial team escorting himself, Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO
(3PO-series Protocol Droid)
(still strapped to the Wookiee's back) to Vader's ship. Chewbacca and Organa, however, did not trust him due to his prior betrayal, with Chewbacca nearly strangling him until he revealed that there was still a chance to save Solo from Fett
Boba Fett
(Human (Clone))
Major Characters
. Deciding it was worth the risk, the foursome rushed to intercept Fett, reaching his landing platform just in time to see the Slave I
Slave I
(Firespray-class Patrol Ship)
Named Starships
take off.
Realizing that - for now, at least - Solo was gone, they redirected their efforts into escaping. After reaching the Falcon
Millennium Falcon
(YT-1300 Light Freighter)
Named Starships
's hangar door, they discovered that the access codes had been changed, preventing Calrissian from unlocking the doors. C-3PO then realized that R2-D2
(R2-series Astromech Droid)
could override the security systems, but accidentally directed the astromech into plugging into a power socket. Before leading the group to another door with a computer terminal, Calrissian informed the citizens of Cloud City of the Imperial occupation, and advised them to leave as soon as possible. The ensuing chaos worked to their advantage, helping them get to another door mostly unhindered by Imperial forces, though they encountered several stormtroopers
Imperial Stormtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
upon reaching another door. After R2-D2 plugged in, he learned from the city's central computer that the Falcon's hyperdrive had been deactivated after its repairs. However, when he tried to inform the group about this, C-3PO interrupted him, saying that the hyperdrive had been fixed, and telling him to open the door. After Artoo did so, and covered their retreat with a smokescreen, the group boarded the Falcon and took off, barely escaping the Imperial troops.
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
, having just been defeated
Duel on Cloud City
Galactic Civil War
by Vader in a lightsaber duel, was clinging for his life at a vane on the bottom of Cloud City. First calling to Ben Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Major Characters
for help and receiving no response, he called to someone else - Leia. Organa, on board the Millennium Falcon on her way out of the city, heard Skywalker's plea and ordered the ship around. Finding Skywalker dangling from the vane, they pulled up beneath it, and Calrissian pulled the young Jedi to safety. As the Falcon's hatch closed, three TIE fighters
TIE Fighter
Starfighter Models
showed up and pursued the rebels into space while firing at the freighter. Having left the planet's gravity well, the Falcon, upon sighting the Executor
(Super-class Star Destroyer)
Named Starships
, attempted to jump to hyperspace, only to find the "repaired" hyperdrive nonfunctional. As the crew desperately attempted to fix the hyperdrive while R2-D2 was reassembling C-3PO, the astromech realized what the problem was, having been told earlier by Cloud City's central computer, and managed to reactivate the drive, allowing the rebels to escape into hyperspace.


See also
Related organizations
Obsidian SquadronStructureCharactersDodson MakravenHowlrunner
Imperial StormtrooperWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsE-11 Blaster Rifle
Cloud City Wing Guard
Related units, characters and other technologies
Lando CalrissianMembershipMillennium FalconWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolE-11 Blaster Rifle
ChewbaccaMembershipMillennium FalconWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsE-11 Blaster Rifle
Boba FettMembershipSlave I
Luke SkywalkerMembershipMillennium FalconPassenger
Han Solo
Leia Organa SoloMembershipMillennium FalconWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsE-11 Blaster Rifle
Dodson MakravenMembershipObsidian SquadronTIE Fighter
HowlrunnerMembershipObsidian SquadronTIE Fighter
C-3POMembershipMillennium FalconPassenger
R2-D2MembershipMillennium FalconPassenger
Cloud City
TIE FighterCrewCharactersDodson MakravenHowlrunner
Millennium FalconCrewCharactersLando CalrissianLeia Organa SoloChewbaccaR2-D2 (Passenger)C-3PO (Passenger)Luke Skywalker (Passenger)
Slave ICrewCharactersBoba Fett
Complete list

Full unit name: Escape from Cloud City Last updated: 07.07.2024 21:21:47